Thursday, December 4, 2014

Karen and theHand trick

Trying to think and pray a bit more with Karen for a few weeks.
We are following a guide she used years ago.
When you feel angry at someone, something you are to look at the back of your hand.

Yesterday when Ken sent us a boastful preachy picture of their cross in their yard lit up for Christmas I was pissed off.
I looked at my hand until I saw the veins and recalled we are all human
we are all made of flesh
I want my heart to beat and veins to flow with love not pettiness against KEn.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

on the beads prayer list

MOM , Above all Pray for mom

Zach's anxiety about school
AL's anxiety about school
Nathan's happiness
Izzy's happiness

Uncle Fred
Aunt Carole
Sharon's niece with colon cancer? Dorkus daughter
EMMA boucher
Patti Ann
Uncle Bill
